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There is this thing I do to the annoyance of some and the entertainment of others. It has been dubbed weather smut. I really enjoy pulling out all the descriptive stops when describing meteorological happenings or even non-happenings. Today I was at the beach…

The vantage point from my beach chair perching softly on the dune provides perfect capture of the day’s atmospheric changes. Unyielding breezes bring tiny grains of sand to settle in the fine hairs on my arms. The wind ruffles in from the east over the already churning ocean. The sky to the west is loaded with heavy hanging multi-celled clouds trying to push out to sea. So powerful is the wind that the billowing cumulonimbus clouds are held at bay stacking higher and higher. A stark division clashes over the sand. East over the ocean a halcyon blue sky dominates. West over the coastal lands towering, multi-cell, thunder-filled clouds threaten. Today I am rooting for the storm.